The Integrated Rural Development of Weaker Sections in India (WIDA)


Training of Development Cadres

During the community meetings the staff identified the development cadres basing on their interest and commitment towards the society. 40 cadres from 20 villages were trained in village situation, causes of poverty; identify villages resources, management and control. during the last six months major focus was given on protection of environment and plantation of trees. at present in all the twenty villages the cadres are organizing meeting for people organization once in a month.

Training of Women Cadres

40 women cadres were identified in 10 new villages and trained in women's development, human rights, environment health savings, group fund and social and women's issues. there was a follow up meeting for 20 women cadres from the old villages. during the women group meeting these cadres raised different issues on teachers irregularities, ICDS feeding, drinking water problem, orchard, family forestry, liquor and wages. these women groups were organized and reported to the concerned authorities.

Leadership Training

The staff organized meetings in all the 20 villages and identified 40 young leaders. these leaders are all from tribal community. these leaders were trained in different tribal issues like land, forest, panchayat raj, tribal self rule, and identity. they were also taken for an exposure and exchange programme to tribal network at Malkengiri. during the last three months 40 young tribal leaders were trained.

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