The popular needs of the people in terms of employment and production remains in a mess. The long standing point about the vast majority of our people is the lack of purchasing power to secure their minimum needs even in respect of food- leave alone shelter, clothing and medicare.

The twenty point programme covers a lot of ground and honest implementation will certainly bring about noticeable change in people's lives. It is to be supported by all who are involved in development work to fulfil the dream of masses and so as to say our Prime Minister's dream come true.

The national economy is gradually coming back on rails. It has to be admitted that our economy has now reached a stage at which it is quite capable of launching on a path rapid growth. It is basically aims at a growth with a definite orientation to raise the living standard of the weaker sections of society who are so far being denied their due share in the benefits of our limited development. It is also pointed out that the new twenty point programme is an important measure to speed up the process of economic rehabilitation and the Prime Minister herself pointed out the new twenty point programme has taken into account changes that have taken place in economic and social life of the people as well as the new challenges that have risen since the first twenty point programme was announced in 1975.

The programme has four major objectives: -

  1. Stepping of capacity, utilization to raise production and productivity in the farm and factory.

  2. Spread the benefit of the development evenly with a view to promote socio-economic justice by measuring that the basic requirements in regard to food, clothing and shelter medical care and education and reasonably met.

  3. Promote socially desirable programme like family planning forestry, development of alternative energy resources and

  4. Curb antisocial tendencies.

Out of twenty points nine points are exclusively intended for the development of the rural sector but all the twenty points are equally important and should not be considered as meant for one sector or other.

Political stability, planned development economy and people's participation should be envisioned and all possible cooperation have to be rendered to keep this development tempo going on. Planned development is possible only if there is internal peace and political stability to which other political groups and people have much to contribute. Development is a natural and historical process it can be accelerated or slowed down by proper planning or lack of political will and stability.

Development is an important phenomenon of the contemporary world. All anthro-pologists, social scientists and voluntary agencies have a great contribution to make success all plans of development if the relevant social and cultural factors are incorporated in the planning and implementation. More over these developmental plans are within the clutches of vested interests and it has been the complex interplay of economic and political forces and many maladies in the administrative machinery making the programme uneventful can be put on right path with the help of the Voluntary agencies.

The development effort so far made by and large exposes the lack of political will, the gaps between the policy and legislation and law and administration exists. If we are unable to check the filteration of the exploitative organs, no doubt all the schemes can only lead to social conflicts and structural dislocation in already wounded social system.

The twenty programme has a creative opportunity for both the political and economic development. Economic development and politics are very much intertwined and it is always the latter determines the choice of development model. Hence, the success of twenty point programme depends on the political awareness of the party and the people to establish a truly democratic, socialistic and sovereign republic.

Within the existing planning and administration a great burden is being cast on the official machinery, which itself is inadequate and thin on the ground. Undue reliance on the official machinery on uplifting the rural poor is neglected not only in the gulf between the administration and institution but also the voluntary agencies.

To carry out such huge sub plan (programmes) the basic need is to evolve appropriate administrative machinery and organize people's groups. If at all, this ensures to respect the people, their institutions and culture we can secure the trust of every one and make this programme historical. The mass should be taken into account while planning and implementation so that, they can evolve their own economic objectives and work for their strategies of development.

Therefore, the implementing agency needs to sit with the people to understand their views and attitudes so that one can be familiarized with the programmes, the needs and the target population. Needless to say, that the twenty point programme focuses on urgent and special attention on the target estimated in the plan.

The existing rules and procedures governing the flow of resources and the distribution of authority and responsibility have been always narrow and restrictive. It is thus imperative that we should search alternative administration approach, methodology critical analysis of the existing socio-economic and political structures to organize the weaker sections so that they have confidence in them to restore their skill, employment opportunities and justice thereby we strive to fulfil the aims and objectives behind the new twenty point economic programme.

Hence, the administration has an obligation to work with the local peoples group, voluntary agencies where cooperation and leadership are extended and the task of implementing this programme in a successful manner is ensured.

The call for people's participation should be emphasized to achieve all available knowledge that is relevant to make our economy on the move.

While giving an agenda for the people for development the Government should specify a time bound plan a systematic proposal for monitoring the progress and evaluation. The government should provide for fool proof machinery for constant monitoring execution and assessment of the results accruing from the implementation of the each point. It is necessary to spell out the mechanics of operation so that the voluntary agencies and the people's institution can play a very vital role in complementing and supplementing the national agenda.

Historically, the development of any country presupposes that the State alone is not responsible for the nation's development. For any Government however strong and powerful, it may not be possible to achieve all its goals through its official machinery. Even though, voluntary agencies are having bewildering mix up ideologies, objectives, working style, social composition, resources, size of organization and operation it precludes any possibility of putting this heterogeneous and mixed up organizations under any single rubric. It is only the twenty point programme can provide a general platform to work with the people development of the down trodden. The voluntary agencies are kept in isolation except in the programmes of welfare development like education, health and rehabilitation. But it is necessary that the Government should recognize the voluntary agencies who are involved in working with people to create a sense of wanting to improve themselves. The voluntary agencies who act quickly without waiting for any orders and directives at the time of need subjected to their aims, resources and the area they operate could be agreed to work with the government in the area they work.

The role assigned to the voluntary agencies in the sixth five year plan 1980-85 has admitted that supplemental action by voluntary agencies in promoting activities for self employment as well as development of the rural poor will be of invaluable help in optimizing the results of planned programmes by enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the services provided by the Governmental functionaries and by motivating the concerned beneficiaries and rendering suitable guidance in the formulation of viable projects and source of funding. Voluntary agencies should function as a liaison between the Government and the people to carry out information relevant to the masses. Information has been the most neglected link in the development process and all the voluntary agencies who are involved in development can motivate the masses both to understand what is happening to them and master their own destiny and environment with any governmental programme.
Most of the points mentioned in the twenty-point programme on rural development have become part and parcel of their action-oriented programme. Hence, they can play the role of catalyst and work for a change so that the national agenda could be transmitted to the rural to gain deeper knowledge as it becomes every citizen's own agenda to improve his own self and the national economy.

If this country wishes to enter with some strength in the 21st century, we have hardly seven thousand days left over. So, let us work with one and all cooperatively for successful accomplishment of our target in time avoiding escalating project cost and avoid delays. The future India seeks speedy change, reorganization of administration, ensuring political stability to translate the new twenty-point programme in to reality.

W. Stanley
Broad cast Date: 25th December, 1983
Time: 8.00 pm
Place: AIR Jeypore